Dusky Pionus - (Pionus fuscus)
Where They Live : Northern South America
Size :   , 10 inches long.

Lifespan :  Average of 25 years, can live beyond 40.

Breeding :  3-6 eggs per clutch.

Habits : 

Diet : Fruits, seeds, and vegetable matter.

    Dusky Pionus are also known as dusky parrots, or violet parrots. They can be any of a range of colors from violet to dark red to gray, but they have red under their tails, as do all pionus species.  They are playful and affectionate pets, and they have been known to learn a few simple phrases.  They are much quieter than many varieties of parrots, evne a bit shy among people. Pionus have a distinctive flight, with deep, stiff wing beats whose movement remains mostly below the body. They produce a light, musky odor that is noticeable but not usually unpleasant.