How to shoot yourself in the foot, or
Produce a "deer in the headlights" response that will mess you up badly:

Here's how to paralyze yourself.
Ignore the check list that follows. And to try to begin with the result (a perfect semester topic) without the journey--and work--that's needed to create a good project. A project that you'll enjoy doing, and will be proud of when you're done.

It's amazing how easy it is to fall into this trap. It's like trying to produce the proverbial tip of the iceberg without the large foundation underneath. Imagine removing the underwater part of the iceberg shown above. And then trying to put a heavy weight on the part showing above the water. The iceberg would fall apart, and the heavy weight would fall to the bottom of the ocean.

The best way to avoid shooting yourself in the foot is to use the "road map" that follows.

START EARLY so you'll have plenty of time to develop and write your paper.

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