Outlined below is a roadmap for developing your term paper. At first it may seem entirely too much trouble. But this combination of contemporary and old-fashioned methods is more efficient and effective than starting with databases.
The Research page contains links to many of the resources discussed in Research Strategy.
Also be sure to check out the page containing links to Additional useful resources.

How to shoot yourself in the foot

If you get stuck

Check list for the first week

How will you take notes??  

After the first week: finding your materials

.....1. Hold off for now on databases of journal articles
.....2. Do a combination Library catalog and shelf search
.....3. Approach books efficiently
.....4. Snowball!
.....5. Use Amazon in conjunction with SEAL,
. . . . . . . WorldCat, & Online Archives
.....6. Consult bibliographies
.....7. Check Barnet for more research tools
.....8. Use databases for a focused search
.....9. Assess your bibliography


The Proposal: definition, and reasons for assigning
du ..........Short form (for most term papers)
...............An essay or a report?o

..........Finding and documenting good images
..........University of Chicago Style
..........Common knowledge
...............Method: "colored footnotes"
...............Rationale: Why bother with colored footnotes??

Assess your paper
.....1. First the easy questions
.....2. Is your paper well-crafted?
.....3. Do you communicate clearly?
.....4. Did you take risks?
.....5. Is your paper free of plagiarism?

Preparing the final draft of your paper

Banner: Details from the Bamburg Apocalypse First detail . . . Second detail
Text of "Research Strategy © Jan Mainzer

 ........With thanks

 contact: mainzerj@newpaltz.edu