Indian Ringneck Parakeet - (Psittacula krameri manillensis)
Where They Live : Southern India and Sri Lanka.

Size : 8 ounce average, up to 15 inches long, wingspan 6-7 inches, tail 6-10 inches.

Lifespan : Average of 20 years.

Breeding : Mating January- April, also breeding in July. Incubation 23 days, 3-6 eggs per clutch.

Habits : Occasionally in small groups.

Diet : Seeds, fruits, nuts, vegetable matter, and nectar.

    The ring-necked parakeet is also known as rose-ringed parakeet, long-tailed parakeet, Senegal long-tailed parakeet, and the northern ros-ringed parakeet. The ring-neck is larger than other species.  It is highly adaptable in a variety of woodland types and gregarious, especially outside breeding season.  It will form large, noisy flocks consisting of several thousand birds, and roost communally, often with crows, mynahs, or other parrots.
    The nest of the ring-neck is usually in the hollow os a tree, or among rocks. Both males and females build the nest, but the hen alone incubates the eggs. The male attends her and guards the nest. After hatching, the chicks remain in the nest for 4 to 5 weeks, with both parents feeding them.