Cherry Headed Conure - (Aratinga erythrogenys)
Where They Live : Central South America.

Size : 4 ounces, 13 inches long, wingspan 5-7 inches, tail 6-7 inches, height 8 inches.

Lifespan : 10-15 years.

Breeding : Mating March-early April. Incubation 28 days. 2-4 eggs per clutch.

Habits : Flocks up to 12 birds.

Diet : Fruit, seeds, and vegetable matter.

    The cherry headed conure is also called the red masked conure. Conures are miniature versions of macaws. Conures make a lot of noise and are boisterous. At dusk, the cherry headed conure joins a large flock of noisy birds that are settling in for the night high up in the trees. It is gregarious, especially outside mating season, and it is usually found in groups ranging from a pair up to 12 birds.  It often associates with mixed flocks. The cherry headed conure is nearly threatened, and it is the most common captive parrot, which is traded in large numbers internationally from Peru.