Courses Taught

Course Name and Number

Course Type

New Instructional Technology/Method Used

Introduction to Hydrogeology (50507),

Existing Course (modified)

Significantly modified adding a hands-on field exercise

Physical Geology lecture and laboratory (50220)

Existing Course (modified)

Group Response System used for in-class-quizzes; introduced one full-day field trip instead of a lab period

Advanced Hydrogeology (50585),

New Course (developed)

Field Based GW Modeling Exercise

Water Resources Conservation and Management (50593)

New Course (developed)

Group research Project by collecting their own field and lab data which addressed the concerns of local community

Environmental Geology Lecture and Lab (50205)

Existing Course (significantly modified)

Taught on-line for the first time during summer 2006

Groundwater (GW) Modeling

(Independent research credit)

New Course (developed)

Utilizing local watershed to help the community for better management

Field Excursion in Hydrogeology (50581)

New Course (developed)

Aquifer Characterization; Pump test, slug test, water level data collection, vadose zone monitoring

Field Excursion in Physical Geology (50481)

Existing Course (modified)

Physical Geology Field trip based on 5 locations in the Hudson valley Region